How to Make Your Own Pressed Flowers

Many people worldwide have a crush on the pressed flowers as they preserve for their special moment and evoke the remembrance of a beloved one or attractive pansy bloom caught their eyes. These pressed flowers keep the summer alive forever. These flowers are suitable for framing, adornments for note cards and placing inside the locket unlike a bouquet of dried flowers. You may have geared up for pressing flowers with an aim to get the desired end result.

pressed flowers


Make special pressed flowers

The first step to make pressed flowers is to choose flowers for pressing. You have to pick flowers in the morning soon after dew evaporated and harvest such flowers before they completely open their buds. This is advisable to collect blooms and foliage at different stages of development for creating the framed pressed-flower art. You will be satisfied with the natural look and encouraged to suggest this approach to your beloved one. The overall quality of the blooms at picking time affects their appearance after they have dried and pressed.

Conditioning blooms at first is the best way to press flowers and get the vibrant colors. You can plunge the stems into the water after cutting and hold such stems underwater.  You have to recut the stems at an angle and let the maximum water absorbed.

The next step is to place it in the clean vase entirely filled with both water and floral food. Flowers like single-petal roses, violets and daisies are the easiest flowers to press. You can pick these naturally flat blooms for this project.

techniques for pressing dried flowers

Focus on important things at first

The main things required for making pressed flowers are printer paper, blotting paper, newspaper, flat cardboards, flat and noncorrugated coffee filters and untreated facial tissues for absorbing the moisture and enhancing the drying. Users of the wooden flower press nowadays experiment pressed flower projects in different ways and enhance their way to make pressed flowers without complexity in any aspect.

There are different techniques for pressing dried flowers revealed by specialists in this sector. You can focus on pros and cons of all such techniques one after another. You will get the complete assistance and fulfil wishes about the hassle-free way for pressing flowers.

Individuals who experiment with different pressing techniques can find out which one works best for them. Trial and error will give them an overview about how to place the blooms on the paper and get the best result from pressing them.